Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Time is Right for Good Change

by Krystal Phillips, RHIA

The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) continues to initiate organizational change in an effort to revitalize the Association. The AHIMA House of Delegates is poised to make significant changes to several AHIMA bylaws that reflect the new direction the Association is taking. With a renewed focus on membership, a unique coalition of Past AHIMA Presidents has become a discerning voice to lead reasonable and responsible transformation.

There are proposed amendments to several AHIMA bylaws that will be formally introduced to the House of Delegates for a vote. I feel there is one bylaw amendment that will have the greatest impact on AHIMA and its membership. This bylaw amendment suggests changes to Article 3.1 Purposes and Mission. Currently, this bylaw states, in part, the AHIMA mission is “empowering people to impact health.” I’m not sure how the AHIMA mission statement moved away from promoting the education of our members and training our membership to be a body of professionals who are recognized as knowledgeable and skilled in health information management, but it did.

Now, the pendulum is swinging back the other way with this proposed amendment to put the spotlight back on the professional growth and development of our membership if the current Purposes and Mission Statement amendment is passed by vote in the House of Delegates. Rationale behind this proposed Bylaw amendment include wording that steers the organization towards the purpose of improving the Association to 1) “benefit its members,” 2) “advocate for their professional interests and needs,” and 3) “promote the advancement of the profession and the integrity of health information.” This brings the Association back to a focus on education and professional development.

There used to be a time when AHIMA was THE educational authority for all things HIM. The Association was bustling with workshops, seminars, and trainings specific to all aspects of our profession. Colleges and Universities depended on HIM industry experts and educators to publish textbooks under the AHIMA umbrella that instructed and prepared students in our programs for the jobs in the HIM career field. It is my humble opinion that changing the Mission and Purpose of our Association to focus on uplifting the members will be the best way to revive and rejuvenate AHIMA into a vibrant Association with so much to offer.

Krystal Phillips, RHIA
OHIMA Delegate 2023-2025


OHIMA Members are encouraged to submit their comments regarding the proposed AHIMA Bylaw Amendments to Ohio Delegates before Saturday, October 19th by filling out this FORM.



Monday, October 14, 2024

AHIMA 2024 House of Delegates – Proposed Bylaw Amendments

Find below a summary of the proposed AHIMA bylaw amendments that will be discussed and voted upon during the AHIMA House of Delegates Meeting on Sunday, October 27, 2024, in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

OHIMA members can submit comments on the proposed bylaw amendments to Ohio Delegates - Clarice Warner, Manjusri Nguyen, Angela Hammond, Krystal Phillips, and June Bronnert - through Saturday, October 19th using this FORM. Any questions can be directed to the OHIMA Central Office.

  • VIEW current AHIMA Bylaws
  • VIEW Motion Proposals (which includes rationale by individuals who made and seconded motion to amend bylaw)
  • VIEW Slides of Proposed Amendment Discussion

Inserted words are underscored; deleted words are struck.


New Proposed Amendment: AHIMA Mission Statement (3.1) 

New Proposed Amendment: Board of Directors Powers and Duties (5.1)

New Proposed Amendment: House of Delegates Purpose (7.1)

New Proposed Amendment: Nominating Committee (8.5)

2 New Proposed Amendments: Dues Payment to Component Associations (12.6)



New Proposed Amendment: Past Speaker of the House Role (7.5 and 7.6)


New Proposed Amendment: Proposed Ethics Committee (10.2)

Existing Proposed Amendment: Combining Finance and Audit Committees (8.3 + 8.6)




Existing Proposed Amendment: Election and Term of Office (5.5)