Monday, June 19, 2023

Kitchen Catastrophes

by Dianna Foley, RHIA, CHPS, CCS, CDIP

Test your ICD-10-CM coding skills with this Klutz family experience.

In April, Mr. and Mrs. Klutz celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary.  As a surprise, the children decided to make them breakfast in bed.  Of course, things went awry as they usually do for the Klutz children.  Practice coding ICD-10-CM diagnosis and external cause coding for each child’s injury that occurred in their single-family home.

The children were making bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast, along with hot tea for their parents.  Janine kicked off the accidents while she was making the tea.  She accidentally reached over the tea kettle to get the mugs and ended up with a second-degree burn on her right forearm from the steam.  She dropped a mug, and startled Egon who was manning the skillet with the bacon and eggs.  He grabbed the metal skillet handle without a potholder and received a first-degree burn on the palm of his right hand.  Egon dropped the skillet, and Peter, who had been helping him, tried to grab it, but hit the back of his left hand on the hot burner of the stove ending up with a second-degree burn.  All the commotion flustered little Dana, who was in charge of the toast.  She reached her right index finger in the toaster and sustained a first-degree burn.   Raymond tried to help Janine by grabbing the tea kettle which led to erythemal burn on all the fingers, including the thumb, of his right hand.  Fortunately, no child’s burn was greater than 10% of their body surface and relatively minor overall.  Mr. and Mrs. Klutz were delighted the injuries weren’t worse, and enjoyed their (revised) anniversary breakfast of Captain Crunch cereal with the children.
Click HERE for the assessment and answers.