Monday, October 2, 2023

MINI VIDEO! Denials Management Process

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Denials are an important part of the revenue cycle process, they slow down cash flow, increase provider costs, and most importantly lead to loss of revenue and increased bad debt exposure. Providers who fail to work denied claims timely fight an uphill battle daily with collections and accounts receivable.

Denials are a result of information missing or incomplete from the claim during submission process. They can occur anywhere along the revenue cycle and must be resolved quickly to avoid timely filing issues. Staff must understand the information given to them by the payer to address the denial including what process created the denial, where that information lies on the claim, and the standardized code sets which can be confusing and sometimes misleading. By addressing these items, providers will be able to minimize potential lost revenue. 

In this presentation Ken Voll, RHIT, guides you through the basics of denials management including a process for working denials and how to gather data to address incorrect claims. The simplified structure can be adopted by your staff to mitigate potential lost revenue and close gaps in your claims submission process.

Presented by: Kenneth Voll, RHIT
Director - Strategic Revenue Cycle Associates

Connect with Kenneth via email