On Sunday, October 27, 2024, Ohio Delegates attended the AHIMA House of Delegates (HoD) Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. There were 201 voting members and 50 Component States represented.
The meeting agenda included updates from:
- Board President/Chair Report by Mona Calhoun, PhD, MS, MEd, RHIA, FAHIMA
- CEO Report by Kevin Klauer, DO, EJD
- Speaker’s Review by Speaker of the House, Deb Boppre, MSM, RHIA, FAHIMA
- Financial Report by AHIMA Board Treasurer, Ryan Sandefer, PhD and AHIMA CFO, Tom Mehs
- HcPro Overview by AHIMA CEO, Kevin Klauer, DO, EJD and President, HcPro, Dave Cella
The HoD Annual Business Meeting was called to order; find a detailed summary of
the proposed amendments going into the HoD on
the OHIMA blog.
On October 24th prior to the HoD Meeting, a letter from AHIMA's outside legal counsel was sent to all AHIMA Delegates stating that some of the proposed bylaw amendments (that originated from delegates) were “improper” and exceeded the role and responsibilities of the HoD. Outside legal counsel detailed the fundamental roles, responsibilities and legal authority of the AHIMA Board of Directors and the AHIMA House of Delegates. These “improper” amendments included:
- New Proposed Amendment: AHIMA Mission Statement (3.1)
- New Proposed Amendment: Board of Directors Powers and Duties (5.1)
- New Proposed Amendment: House of Delegates Purpose (7.1)
- New Proposed Amendment: Nominating Committee (8.5)
- 2 New Proposed Amendments: Dues Payment to Component Associations (12.6)
After much HoD discussion, motion was made to postpone any potential vote on these amendments to obtain further information and clarification. Such a meeting/vote would take place prior to March 31, 2025. This motion passed.
Other discussion and vote took place on the following proposed AHIMA bylaw amendments:
- New Proposed Amendment: Past Speaker of the House Role (7.5 and 7.6) (motion passed)
- New Proposed Amendment: Proposed Ethics Committee (10.2) - An amendment to the amendment was proposed removing “…actions that reflect unfavorably upon the profession, or activities which are contrary to the interest of AHIMA.” (this amended motion passed)
- Existing Proposed Amendment: Combining Finance and Audit Committees and editing role of Treasurer (8.3 + 8.6 + 6.7) (motion passed)
- Existing Proposed Amendment: Election and Term of Office (5.5) (motion passed)
Watch the OHIMA blog for additional updates and commentary from the Ohio Delegates in the coming weeks.