Friday, January 10, 2025

LEGISLATIVE ALERT: OHIMA Provides Interested Party Testimony on Ohio House Bill 463 ("My Child-My Chart Act")

by Lauren Manson, RHIA, CAE

In May 2024, Representative Gary Click introduced Ohio House Bill 463 (“My Child-My Chart Act”) and it was assigned to the Ohio House Health Provider Committee.

Upon review of this bill, OHIMA was concerned about whether this bill would be operational should it be passed into law. OHIMA formed a task force of Ohio HI professionals to discuss operational and technical implications of this bill and if processes could be modified to accommodate this bill should it be passed into law. As a result of these task force discussions, OHIMA concluded that while we did not disagree in principle with what this bill is trying to accomplish, it was not operational with how Electronic Medical Records currently function.

On December 10th on behalf of OHIMA, Senior Executive Director Lauren Manson, RHIA, CAE testified in front of the Ohio House Health Provider Committee as an "interested party" on House Bill 463. She stated:

While in principle, we support and agree that parents should have access to their child’s patient portals and health information; practically speaking, when a provider is treating a patient – care cannot be segmented or separated, nor can its documentation. While we understand that the intent of House Bill 463 is to require that the patient record to be segmented on the portal side – not during the course of care; current electronic health records (EHRs) limit the ability to segment the patient record in the patient portal if the documentation is not built in a segmented manner.

READ the full testimony.

The two-year 135th General Assembly ended on December 31, 2024 and at that time, any bills not passed through both chambers (Senate and House) must be re-introduced and begin the legislative process from the start. As of December 31st - Ohio House Bill 463 died in committee as introduced. It is expected that the bill will be re-introduced as part of the 136th General Assembly (2025-2026). OHIMA will continue to monitor state bills and update the OHIMA membership on any and all bills related to health information management.

About the Author

Lauren Manson, RHIA, CAE,
is the Senior Executive Director of the Ohio Health Information Management Association (OHIMA).